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Leonardo Crudi

Leonardo is a self-taught artist. At the age of 13 he discovered the world of graffiti.

Giovanni Battimello

His artistic research is carried out through different means of expression: painting, sculpture, video, installations, etc.

Enrico Robusti

After graduating with a law degree, Enrico devoted himself entirely to painting, dominated above all by the desire to enrich his pictorial technique in order to understand the secrets of his ancestors.


Egeon is a multidisciplinary artist specialized in watercolor and murals.

Cristiano Carotti

Born in Terni in 1981, Cristiano currently lives and works in Rome. He works with painting, sculpture and installation focusing on the influence of symbols on social dynamics. In his latest research, he investigated the conflict between Homo Naturalis and Mechanicus.


Francisco Bosoletti

Francisco Bosoletti, el Maestro argentino. Dopo Iside, una nuova opera sotto il Vesuvio: ecco la presentazione dell’autore di “Alma Memoria”.

Gianpiero D’Alessandro

Gianpiero D’Alessandro è quello ciò che si definisce self-made man. Da Napoli agli States, numerose collaborazioni e talento da vendere!



Jacopo Ciardillo, in arte Jago, da Frosinone: un artista geniale che l’Italia fatica a comprendere dopo opere maestose come Michelangelo.

Fallen Fruit biografia

Fallen Fruit

Partendo dalla critica ai beni comuni, Fallen Fruit coniano e reinterpretano la questione della frutta pubblica, in una discussione artistica globale, variopinta e (mai come ora) attuale