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Luca Grimaldi

Nato a Roma (1985), Luca Grimaldisi forma tra gli Stati Uniti e il NordEuropa, acquisendo progressivamenteun gusto per gli oggetti di uso comunee le situazioni… Read More »Luca Grimaldi

Isaac Cordal

Nato nel 1974 a Pontevedra, in Galizia,Spagna. Ha frequentato l’Università diBelle Arti di Pontevedra, laureandosiin scultura. Ha studiato per cinqueanni presso la Scuola di CanteirosPontevedra,… Read More »Isaac Cordal

Collettivo Damp

Il collettivo damp nasce come progetto non intenzionale nel 2017 dall’incontro di Alessandro Armento, Luisa de Donato, Viviana Marchiò, Adriano Ponte, che hanno individuato lo… Read More »Collettivo Damp


Ampparito is a young Spanish artist who works subverting objects, meanings and realities to generate new experiences or situations. These may arise a wide range… Read More »Ampparito

Vittorio Valiante

Valiante showed talent and a strong passion from an early age for drawing and painting that leads him to excel in artistic subjects and to receive various amateur prizes.

Paolo Garau

In 1998 he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome in the sculpture section and in 1999 he attended the TAM sculpture course in Pietrarubbia (PU), chaired by Arnaldo Pomodoro. In 2001, he took part in the Leonardo Project in Berlin.

Maziar Mokhtari

Maziar was born in 1980 in Isfahan, Iran. He moved to Italy in 2004 and lives and works between the two countries.

Marianna Sannino

Her artistic research focuses on memory and the diachronic dimension of time.